Payment via Pay Later Paidy

At RISE, a specialist store for epitheses, you can use the Pay Later Paidy payment method with no installment fee for 3, 6, and 12-month payments. It’s a convenient payment method that allows you to place orders easily. There is a required screening process, but the result is notified quickly.

1. No installment fee for up to 12 payments

With Pay Later Paidy, you can choose installment payments for up to 12 months without any fee. Select installment payments easily and reduce your monthly payment amount.

2. Required screening process

Using Pay Later Paidy requires a screening process. You may not be able to use it depending on the result, but the result will be notified promptly.

3. No account registration required

You don’t need to register an account to use Pay Later Paidy. You can easily use it with just your phone number and email address.

* Please note that the screening result and criteria are determined by Paidy, and our store cannot assist with any issues related to the screening. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

For more details, visit the official
Paidy website