Regular Type

Toren Round Regular Type
(With pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Regular Type (With pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Regular Type
(With pubic hair, Fairer tone)

Toren Round Regular Type
(Without pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Regular Type (Without pubic hair, Darker tone)

Compact Type

Toren Round Compact Type
(With pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Compact Type (With pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Compact Type
(Without pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Compact Type (Without pubic hair, Darker tone)

Toren Round Compact Type
(Without pubic hair, Fairer tone)

Toren Round Compact Type (Without pubic hair, Fairer tone)

Uncircumcised ver Toren Round Compact Type
(With pubic hair, Muted tone)

【Recommended for Exposed Glans Type】
With pubic hair & Darker tone

The exposed glans type naturally blends best with "With pubic hair & Darker tone," which is highly praised by many customers.

For the exposed glans type, the penis is constantly exposed, which tends to cause darker pigmentation, so we recommend the "Darker tone" for the most natural appearance.
Therefore, we recommend choosing the "Darker tone" as the most natural option.

【Recommended for Uncircumcised Type】
With pubic hair & Muted tone

For the uncircumcised type, the penis is covered by skin, making it less affected by external factors. Therefore, we recommend choosing a color that matches your own skin tone.

Among these, the "Muted tone" is popular for its natural and deep finish, blending well with many people.

"Light tone" is more suitable for those with lighter skin tones, while "Dark tone" is better for those with darker skin tones. Choose the color that blends most naturally with your skin based on these characteristics.


When choosing a prosthesis, please refer to the owner blog as well.

Go to Owner Blog


Toren Roundの着用イメージ集

「Toren Round」のリアルな質感を、実際の着用画像でご確認ください。

FTM エピテーゼ「Toren Round」黒め 露茎タイプ レギュラーサイズ 陰毛あり 着用イメージ - Wearing image of Toren Round FTM prosthetic, circumcised, regular size, darker tone, with pubic hair.


FTM エピテーゼ「Toren Round」黒め 露茎タイプ レギュラーサイズ 陰毛なし 着用イメージ - Wearing image of Toren Round FTM prosthetic, circumcised, regular size, darker tone, without pubic hair.


FTM エピテーゼ「Toren Round」黒め 露茎タイプ コンパクトサイズ 陰毛あり 着用イメージ - Wearing image of Toren Round FTM prosthetic, circumcised, compact size, darker tone, with pubic hair.


FTM エピテーゼ「Toren Round」黒め 露茎タイプ コンパクトサイズ 陰毛なし 着用イメージ - Wearing image of Toren Round FTM prosthetic, circumcised, compact size, darker tone, without pubic hair.


FTM エピテーゼ「Toren Round」白め 露茎タイプ コンパクトサイズ 陰毛なし 着用イメージ - Wearing image of Toren Round FTM prosthetic, circumcised, compact size, fairer tone, without pubic hair.


動きの中でリアルさを実感!Toren Roundの着用動画


レギュラー | 陰毛あり | 黒め

レギュラー | 陰毛あり | 白め

包茎| コンパクト| 陰毛あり | くすみ多め

包茎| コンパクト| 陰毛あり | くすみ多め



このガイドは日本人の肌トーンに基づいたおすすめカラーです。  海外のお客様は、ご自身の肌の特徴に合わせてお選びください。  


「陰毛あり & 黒め」

  • 露出した陰茎は、外部刺激による色素沈着の影響で暗めの色になりやすい。
  • 日本人は肌が明るめでも、陰茎が黒めの方が多い
  • そのため、「黒め」を選ぶとより自然に馴染みやすい。


「陰毛あり & くすみ多め」

  • 包茎タイプは皮膚に覆われているため、露出した陰茎と比べて外部の影響を受けにくい。
  • そのため、自然で深みのある色味が馴染みやすい。


  • 「露茎|白め」は、肌のトーンが明るめで、より清潔感のある印象を求める方におすすめ。
  • 「包茎|くすみ少なめ」は、明るめの肌トーンの方におすすめ。
  • 「包茎|黒めベース」は、暗めの肌トーンの方におすすめ。
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.
True confidence, Truly you.